Monday, July 15, 2024
Happy Monday Fellow Rotarians,
In President Lori’s absence, I will pass along information about activities and deadlines for the next several months.
The BIG HEADLINE is that this Wednesday the club will hold its first meeting at the Perkins Restaurant & Bakery, located at 205 West 3rd St., Bethlehem, PA! The meeting time is the same, and attendees may purchase a lunch from the Perkins menu, and pay for it at the front counter. No fixed cost, just for entree(s) that you purchased! We will meet in the meeting room, back and to the right of the entrance and checkout counter.
Moving right along, we will hold our August 7, 2024, meeting at MusikFest in the tent behind the MusikFest Visitors’ Center. Cost is $20.00 for lunch. Please RSVP by July 30, 2024, to Jack Worsley. It’s always fun and we will be updated on ArtsQuest, and possibly this year’s MusikFest by the Director of the ArtsQuest Foundation. THIS MEETING REPLACES THE FIRST WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING OF THE OF THE MONTH NORMALLY HELD AT ADAGIO!
August 8, 2024: we will sponsor the annual outing at the Iron Pigs baseball game for the kids. Tickets and seats are still available for $39.00 per person – includes a great buffet and ticket to the game. Purchase deadline is August 1, 2024, and can be made with Jill Long. Checks must be made to Bethlehem Rotary Club. If you haven't confirmed - please let Jill know that you plan to attend.
Officers and Directors have been selected and approved for the 2024-2025 Rotary year, but we are short one Director. Please contact Ham Malek, Lori or me with any member that you would propose to fill that vacancy.
Next to last, we are always searching for members to fill committee vacancies and chairpersons. We also need additional members to deliver the Invocation. I have examples from RI and district clubs that I can email to you, or copies to give to you at a meeting, if you are interested. President Lori reminded us at last Wednesday's meeting that the while the invocation is frequently a prayer, it can also be a short non-religious thought or concept - something for us to consider as we prepare to begin each weekly meeting.
LASTLY! It seems FAR away, but the 12th Annual Taste & Tunes fundraiser is right around the corner on Sunday, October 13, 2024, 3-6 PM, again at DeSales University. This year’s event is: “Taste & Tunes – Goes to the Races”. Fun for all!
President Elect Bill Eckert