On Wednesday the 26th, we had the pleasure of hearing form our newest member Chris Hellstrom, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations at Lehigh University for the College of Education and the College of Business . Chris shared that he was born and raised in Staten Island. He has always been civic minded, working the majority of his career in government or the Non-Profit world so joining Rotary was an easy move for him that aligns with his desire to serve. Chris recently moved to the Lehigh Valley and has embraced the area and all it has to offer. He recently joined a local hiking club and enjoys reading. Chris has also volunteered to be a part of our Programming Committee.
If you have not had the opportunity to meet with Chris I urge you to do so and welcome him to our Club!
We continue to look for volunteers to join our committees. Remember, you do not have to do all of the things listed. There may be one part of the committee that holds your interest. Our current list of committees is as follows:
Membership - Ham Malec, Chair
Recruitment, Retention, Orientation, Engagement, Nominating and Club Care
Weekly bulletin, Zoom admin, website, photography, Public Relations, Social Media
Fundraising – Lori Knerr, Chair
Tastes & Tunes
August 2, 2023 noon meeting - NCC Fowler Family Southside Center
Our guest speaker will be Celina Dadario, Community Coordinator for the City of Bethlehem, speaking about the "Norhtside Alive" program. Let’s have a strong turnout for a very "lively" discussion.
Lunch will be assorted mini sandwiches, fruit salad, potato salad and Orianna's famous brownies. Cost - as usual, is $11.00 - exact change please
Please confirm your intention to eat lunch by emailing Jill Long (jillwilsonlong@gmail.com) by Tuesday at 3:00 PM
For those who can't attend, Mark Walter will make the meeting available on Zoom at this link: