We had an exciting meeting this week with a program from MaryEllen Dickey and Megan Marzella from the DaVinci Center in Allentown. They gave us the latest information on the opening of the new site in Cetner City Allentown. They are planning to open in May 2024. The new location will be state of the art, with rotating exhibits every few months. And otters! (My favorite!!). Perhaps we can have a field trip in the upcoming months for a private tour!
In other business, this week’s meeting will be the First Wednesday meeting at Adagio at 5:30. I hope to see you there.
We are also in need of a Treasurer. If you are interested, or know of someone who would be a good candidate, please let me know. We did recently hire a bookkeeper, so the workload of the position is significantly less. This is a very important role in our club so I am asking for everyone to consider it or think of someone qualified.
Finally, District Conference…..it’s coming up at the end of Aril. Did you get your tickets yet? If you have not, now is the time to get your tickets and show your support of Diane Donaher and her year as District Governor. There are also volunteer opportunities to help showcase our beautiful city and Rotary. If you are interested in volunteering please let DeeDee Foran know.