This past week we had a great Wednesday meeting that focused on our “why”….Why Rotary? What drew you to become a Rotarian and what keeps you coming back? Chris Nelson spoke about it in her invocation, as did I in my comments at the start of the meeting. We both drew our inspiration from the District Conference. Membership Chair Ham Malek pinch hit this week as our speaker and he too spoke about the Why. He asked all present to share why they joined and why they stay. He also asked us all to share a personal achievement we are proud of and what the results were of that achievement. At the end of the exercise all of the results were also many of our “Why’s” of Rotary.
A few reminders and requests:
Our Wednesday, May 8, 2024 meeting will be at 5:30pm at Adagio. If you have not attended an evening meeting, I encourage you to stop in.
The board is still accepting suggestions for Community Budget recipients. If there is an organization that you would like us to support, both financially and/or with a service project, please let me or any board member know.
We are organizing the Centennial Park CleanUp. It will be held June 1 & 2, 9 am to 11:30 am. Please be on the look out for a sign up email this week. Water, snacks and clean up supplies will be provided.